27) 🥳🐾🐶Announcement of New Logo in Collaboration with "Sigres Designs". 🥳🐾🐶
An announcement of our new logo in collaboration with "Sigres Designs" & what our logo means. Also, forming a brief summary of our mission.
You have just taken your first step towards responsibly rehoming a rescue dog by arriving here...
You have arrived here because you're considering the adoption of a rescue dog - either from within the U.K., Romania or overseas. Maybe you're unsure about which type of rescue dog would be best for you or whether a dog would be a good fit for you right now. If so, then you're in the right place...
To start with, let's be very clear who we are not! We are NOT a dog rescue nor are we affiliated with any dog rescue!
Our main objective is quite simply to see these special dogs go to the right forever U.K. homes, with less potential risk of them being surrendered back to rescue after adoption.
This is where you come in...
Patchwork Paws U.K. is here to provide information & resources that will empower you to effectively prepare yourself for the commitment of one of these special dogs, whilst also allowing you to make your best informed decisions & choices about whether or not one of these special dogs is right for you, your circumstances & lifestyle etc. right now.
Furthermore, we aim to help you to decide which sort of rescue dog (U.K., Romanian, or overseas) would be the best match for you.
In doing so, we hope that fewer rescue dogs will be surrendered after adoption - which is a very sad & disappointing outcome for the dog, the rescue, & of course for you as the adopter. It would be devastating to have to surrender your new dog because you feel that you cannot cope with them, &/or because you feel ill prepared to deal with your new dog & the individual commitment they bring.
We hope to build a website of blog articles that will become a useful preparation & reference tool for prospective & new adopters alike, giving you the confidence to adopt a rescue dog & become lifelong companions, whilst allowing you to feel fully aware of the potential commitments & issues that you might encounter along the way.
🐶 Blog numbers 1 - 10 (except for blog number 7) entitled, "ROMANIAN / OVERSEAS RESCUE DOGS":
These blog articles are directly relevant to those considering the adoption of a Romanian or overseas originating rescue dog. We have specifically marked these as, "ROMANIAN / OVERSEAS RESCUE DOGS."
The onus here is specifically upon Romanian rescue dogs, as that's where we have the most experience, however most of this information will also apply to overseas rescue dogs in general.
🐶 Blog number 7: Announcement of Our Professional CPD Membership to 'the National Institute for Canine Ethics' (NICE):
🎉 Our 2023/2024 membership has just been extended into 2025. 🎉
🐶 Blog numbers 11 - 20 entitled, "FOR *ALL* RESCUE DOGS":
These blog articles are relevant to those considering the adoption of ANY RESCUE DOG (whether they originate from within the U.K., Romania or overseas) & are intended as a continuation for those interested in adopting a Romanian or overseas originating rescue dog (who have already studied the earlier section entitled, "ROMANIAN / OVERSEAS RESCUE DOGS").
🐶 Blog numbers 21 - 22:
These blogs form special appeals for two gorgeous dogs in the U.K. who have been waiting for homes for FIVE long years! 💔
Please note: 🥳🎉 Penny 🥳🎉 has now been adopted! 🎊
However, poor Rusty still waits for his chance! 🙏
🐶 Blog numbers 23 - 24:
These blog articles address Brucella Canis (also known as B. Canis & B.C.) the risks involved & why you should give this your consideration when seeking to rehome a Romanian or overseas originating rescue dog.
🐶 Blog numbers 25 onwards entitled, "ROMANIAN / OVERSEAS RESCUE DOGS":
These blog articles should be considered as a CONTINUATION of our earlier series of blog articles entitled, "ROMANIAN / OVERSEAS RESCUE DOGS."
Again, these blog articles are directly relevant to those considering the adoption of a Romanian or overseas originating rescue dog.
The onus here is specifically upon Romanian rescue dogs, as that's where we have the most experience, however most of this information will also apply to overseas rescue dogs in general.
For further information about us, please visit our 'About Us' page.
📣 Pictured above is our gorgeous boy Hot Rod 🔥 (a.k.a. Rodney) 🥰 rescued from a Romanian public shelter.
🔴 All blog articles are shown below 👇 starting with the most recently published at the top. So, you will need to scroll down to the very bottom to read our very first blog article. 🔴